Domain Driven Data Mining

Towards Domain-Driven, Actionable Knowledge Discovery and Delivery

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Domain-specific consultancies

Over a decade, we have been working on many domain-specific data mining/analytics and enterprise data science, sponsored and supported by major industries and governments. Our experience covers over 10 business domains, from telecommunication, capital markets, e-commerce, insurance, banking to health, education and various government service areas. We have been pioneering in data-driven and evidence-based business transformation and decision-making in the following major areas:

  • Social welfare data analytics
  • Taxation data analytics
  • Banking data analytics
  • FinTech and capital market analytics
  • Business analytics
  • Educational data analytics
  • Government data science
  • Health insurance data analytics
  • Telecommunication data analytics
  • Transport data analytics

Research explorations

    Our research on domain-driven, actionable knowledge discovery has been supported by various research grants, contract-research projects, and linkage projects. Examples are:

  • Detecting significant changes in organisation customer interactions leading to non-compliance

  • Pattern discovery of discriminating behaviour associated with hidden communities

  • Discovering activity patterns driven by high impacts in heterogeneous and imbalanced data

  • Pattern analysis and risk control of e-commerce transactions to secure online payments