Domain Driven Data Mining

Towards Domain-Driven, Actionable Knowledge Discovery and Delivery

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At the moment, this page only lists some of references produced in the host unit of DDDM-SIG. However, there are contributions from other groups which shall be collected later.


(1) Books

Domain Driven Data Mining
Cao, L., Yu, P., Zhang, C., Zhao, Y. 
Springer., Hardcover, 2010

Table of contents


Chapter 2: D3M Methodology


Data Mining for Business Applications
Cao, L.; Yu, P.S., Zhang, C.; Zhang, H. (Eds.)
Springer, 2008


Table of contents


Sample Chapter


Data Mining and Multi-agent Integration
Cao, L. (Ed.)
Springer, 2009

Table of contents


Sample Chapter


(2) DDDM Proceedings

  • DDDDM14 Proceedings with ICDM2014 Workshop Proceedings by IEEE Computer Press
  • DDDDM13 Proceedings with ICDM2013 Workshop Proceedings by IEEE Computer Press
  • DDDDM11 Proceedings with ICDM2011 Workshop Proceedings by IEEE Computer Press
  • DDDDM10 Proceedings with ICDM2010 Workshop Proceedings by IEEE Computer Press
  • DDDDM09 Proceedings with ICDM2009 Workshop Proceedings by IEEE Computer Press
  • DDDDM08 Proceedings with ICDM2008 Workshop Proceedings by IEEE Computer Press
  • DDDM2007 Proceedings with SIGKDD2007 Workshop Proceedings by ACM Press

(3) Special Issues

  • Domain-Driven Data Mining, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2010.
  • Domain-driven, Actionable Knowledge Discovery, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2007.

(4) Tutorials

(5) Other Readings