Table2Vec-automated universal representation learning of enterprise data DNA for benchmarkable and explainable enterprise data science
Longbing Cao, Chengzhang Zhu. Scientific Reports, 11, 23957, 2021.
Access the paper at the Nature website.
Enterprise data typically involves multiple heterogeneous data sources and external data that respectively record business activities, transactions, customer demographics, status, behaviors, interactions and communications with the enterprise, and the consumption and feedback of its products, services, production, marketing, operations, and management, etc. They involve enterprise DNA associated with domain-oriented transactions and master data, informational and operational metadata, and relevant external data. A critical challenge in enterprise data science is to enable an effective ‘whole-of-enterprise’ data understanding and data-driven discovery and decision-making on all-round enterprise DNA. Accordingly, here we introduce a neural encoder Table2Vec for automated universal representation learning of entities such as customers from all-round enterprise DNA with automated data characteristics analysis and data quality augmentation. The learned universal representations serve as representative and benchmarkable enterprise data genomes (similar to biological genomes and DNA in organisms) and can be used for enterprise-wide and domain-specific learning tasks. Table2Vec integrates automated universal representation learning on low-quality enterprise data and downstream learning tasks. Such automated universal enterprise representation and learning cannot be addressed by existing enterprise data warehouses (EDWs), business intelligence and corporate analytics systems, where ‘enterprise big tables’ are constructed with reporting and analytics conducted by specific analysts on respective domain subjects and goals. It addresses critical limitations and gaps of existing representation learning, enterprise analytics and cloud analytics, which are analytical subject, task and data-specific, creating analytical silos in an enterprise. We illustrate Table2Vec in characterizing all-round customer data DNA in an enterprise on complex heterogeneous multi-relational big tables to build universal customer vector representations. The learned universal representation of each customer is all-round, representative and benchmarkable to support both enterprise-wide and domain-specific learning goals and tasks in enterprise data science. Table2Vec significantly outperforms the existing shallow, boosting and deep learning methods typically used for enterprise analytics. We further discuss the research opportunities, directions and applications of automated universal enterprise representation and learning and the learned enterprise data DNA for automated, all-purpose, whole-of-enterprise and ethical machine learning and data science.
Personalized next-best action recommendation with multi-party interaction learning for automated decision-making
Longbing Cao, Chengzhang Zhu, PLOS One, 17(1): e0263010, 2022.
Access the paper at the PLOSONE website.
Automated next-best action recommendation for each customer in a sequential, dynamic and interactive context has been widely needed in natural, social and business decision-making. Personalized next-best action recommendation must involve past, current and future customer demographics and circumstances (states) and behaviors, long-range sequential interactions between customers and decision-makers, multi-sequence interactions between states, behaviors and actions, and their reactions to their counterpart’s actions. No existing modeling theories and tools, including Markovian decision processes, user and behavior modeling, deep sequential modeling, and personalized sequential recommendation, can quantify such complex decision-making on a personal level. We take a data-driven approach to learn the next-best actions for personalized decision-making by a reinforced coupled recurrent neural network (CRN). CRN represents multiple coupled dynamic sequences of a customer’s historical and current states, responses to decision-makers’ actions, decision rewards to actions, and learns long-term multi-sequence interactions between parties (customer and decision-maker). Next-best actions are then recommended on each customer at a time point to change their state for an optimal decision-making objective. Our study demonstrates the potential of personalized deep learning of multi-sequence interactions and automated dynamic intervention for personalized decision-making in complex systems.